
Friday, October 31, 2003

i know that my memory is fading a little, but i swear that when i was a kid i didnt trick or treat until at least 8pm and i usually didnt get home until 10 or 11. whats with the kids that come around at 5?? and whats with the kids that come around even after you've turned out the lights to signal that you are no longer handing out candy? did they miss the memo? oh well, another disappointing Halloween has passed.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

is it possible that all these months at the gym are really paying off??? i did a kickboxing class, a pilates class, and a full workout yesterday and i feel fine. am i in better shape than i thought? i can easily do 30 mins on the treadmill followed by 30 mins on the stairmaster, so why then, do i still get winded when i walk up the stairs at work? there's only like a dozen. that happened at the other gym that i used to work at too. there's something about stairwells at gyms. weird.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

is it weird that i carry extra copies of Dane's CD around with me at all times and hand them out to pretty much anybody?

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

i know i look young, but why does every high school boy at my gym try to hit on me? do they think i have free passes or something? and i miss the days of living in miami where bars/clubs are 21+ because lately i seem to attract teenagers like moths to a flame when i go out. maybe i should just glue my license to my forehead since everyone asks to see it when i tell them how old i am anyway.

Monday, October 27, 2003

my boss asked me today if i liked kids....i guess he took my response of "um, well......." as a bad sign. he needed someone to take over some kind of program that involved playing with a couple dozen toddlers for four hours a day and running them through some sort of obstacle course or something. i wasn't clear on the details since i sort of tuned out at "couple dozen toddlers..." don't get me wrong, i have 3 nieces that i absolutely adore and love spending time with, but was my boss smoking some crack on his lunch break? then again, i could use the money....

Sunday, October 26, 2003

i hate deer. i really, really hate them. i'm so sick of having to slam on my brakes because a stupid deer decides that it may or may not want to cross the road right about now. i've been within inches of hitting a deer 7 times in the past month. its not that i'm afraid of killing them, although that is kinda sad, but i really can't afford to total my car right now. the worst part is that there really isn't any way to avoid that situation. most of my family lives in rural areas where the speed limit, if there even is one, is usually 55-70 and there aren't any streetlights. even with the brights on and driving a reasonable speed, its pretty hard to avoid hitting a deer if it darts into the road. damn deer. for those of you who live in areas not heavily populated with deer, consider yourself very lucky. and pray for those of us in MI.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

ah, there's nothing like working open 'til close on a saturday. i wouldn't mind so much if that damn vicodin hadn't kept me up all night and if my job weren't so boring. you can only ask so many people if they'd like a towel before the words seem to lose all meaning. speaking of my job, there are two rather hot guys (brothers) that come to the gym pretty regularly and usually appear to be flirting with me. they're both about my age, their dad adores me, they seem to be pretty well off financially (not that it matters, of course), and they are quite possibly the hottest members that we have (which really isn't saying much). the problem, and you knew there had to be one, is that they're completely psychotic. seriously. they talk to themselves all the time, but they actually have two-sided conversations. like multiple personalities. its really creepy.
on an embarassing side note, i was watching The Wonder Years yesterday (no, thats not the embarassing part...i love that show). it was the one where kevin gets this monster zit on the side of his face right before this hot chick comes to visit. it just pops up all of a sudden and its enormous. well i woke up this morning with a monstrous zit in the exact same place that kevin's was. weird.

Friday, October 24, 2003

Although i like to think of myself as independent and unique, i admit that i created this blog because everyone else seemed to have one. so i figured, why the hell not? i'm not sure what i'll write about since my days mostly consist of working out at one gym and working at another, filled intermittently with bouts of shopping....but you can believe that there will be no shortage of rants about my family and quotes from Dane. enjoy.

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